Frenchie Things

<<<<< Eddie Munson * MOST METAL, EVER!

November 6th, also known as Stranger Things Day.

We had a friend request we do a Stranger Things themed photo shoot. I told her I would look into it and see what we could do. I quickly discovered the series has its own day, November 6th. As that was when Will Byers went missing in Hawkins, IN. Netflix is giving the fans an extra special day in celebrating all things Stranger Things too. Check out the link here for more info. So naturally, we had to publish this bonus shoot today as well.

Are you a card-carrying proud member of the Hellfire Club? Who is your favorite character(s)?

Get The Looks!

So Metal, Eddie:

  1. Frisco Front Walking Punk Rocker Dog Costume Large (sans the purple wig) -

  2. Black Sneaker Socks (XS) -

  3. Eddie Munson Wig - * It had bad reviews, but it was inexpensive and exactly what I was looking for. ;)

Eddie Munson:

  1. Hellfire Club Dog Tee (White, Large) - * I used some fabric markers to brighten it up a bit. >>>>>

  2. Cool Dog Leather Jacket (Black, B-S) -

  3. Denim vest was mine. We just layered everything.

Isn’t that poster incredible as a backdrop?